Source code for nwbwidgets.base

from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from ipydatagrid import DataGrid
from IPython import display
from ipywidgets import widgets
from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import show_inline_matplotlib_plots
from pynwb import ProcessingModule
from pynwb.base import DynamicTable
from pynwb.core import MultiContainerInterface, NWBDataInterface

GroupingWidget = Union[widgets.Accordion, widgets.Tab]

[docs]def show_fields(node, **kwargs) -> widgets.Widget: field_lay = widgets.Layout(max_height="40px", max_width="600px", min_height="30px", min_width="130px") info = [] for key, val in node.fields.items(): lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) lbl_val = widgets.Label(str(val), layout=field_lay) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_key, lbl_val])) vbox = widgets.VBox(info) return vbox
[docs]def render_dataframe(dynamic_table: DynamicTable): try: return DataGrid(dynamic_table.to_dataframe()) except: out1 = widgets.Output() with out1: display.display(dynamic_table.to_dataframe()) return out1
[docs]def show_neurodata_base(node: NWBDataInterface, neurodata_vis_spec: dict) -> widgets.Widget: """ Gets a pynwb object and returns a Vertical Box containing textual info and an expandable Accordion with it's children. """ field_lay = widgets.Layout(max_height="40px", max_width="500px", min_height="30px", min_width="180px") info = [] # string data type, exposed as a Text widget neuro_data = [] # more complex data types, also with children labels = [] for key, value in node.fields.items(): if isinstance(value, (str, datetime)): lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) lbl_val = widgets.Label(str(value), layout=field_lay) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_key, lbl_val])) elif key == "related_publications": pub_list = [] for pub in value: pub_list.append(widgets.HTML(value="<a href=" + pub[4:] + ">" + pub + "</a>")) lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) pub_list.insert(0, lbl_key) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=pub_list)) elif key == "experimenter": lbl_experimenter = widgets.Label("Experimenter:", layout=field_lay) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): lbl_names = widgets.Label(", ".join(value), layout=field_lay) else: lbl_names = widgets.Label(value, layout=field_lay) hbox_exp = widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_experimenter, lbl_names]) info.append(hbox_exp) elif (isinstance(value, Iterable) and len(value)) or value: neuro_data.append(nwb2widget(value, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec)) labels.append(key) accordion = widgets.Accordion(children=neuro_data, selected_index=None) for i, label in enumerate(labels): if hasattr(node.fields[label], "description") and node.fields[label].description: accordion.set_title(i, label + ": " + node.fields[label].description) else: accordion.set_title(i, label) return widgets.VBox(info + [accordion])
[docs]def dict2accordion(d: dict, neurodata_vis_spec: dict, **pass_kwargs) -> widgets.Widget: if len(d) == 1: return nwb2widget(list(d.values())[0], neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec) children = [widgets.HTML("Rendering...") for _ in d] accordion = widgets.Accordion(children=children, selected_index=None) for i, label in enumerate(d): if hasattr(d[label], "description") and d[label].description: accordion.set_title(i, label + ": " + d[label].description) else: accordion.set_title(i, label) def on_selected_index(change): if is not None and isinstance(change.owner.children[], widgets.HTML): children[] = nwb2widget( list(d.values())[], neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec, **pass_kwargs ) change.owner.children = children accordion.observe(on_selected_index, names="selected_index") return accordion
[docs]def lazy_tabs(in_dict: dict, node, style: GroupingWidget = widgets.Tab) -> GroupingWidget: """Creates a lazy tab object where multiple visualizations can be used for a single node and are generated on the fly Parameters ---------- in_dict: dict keys are labels for tabs and values are functions node: NWBDataInterface instance of neurodata type to visualize style: ipywidgets.Tab or ipywidgets.Accordion, optional which way to present the data Returns ------- tab: widget """ tabs_spec = list(in_dict.items()) children = [tabs_spec[0][1](node)] + [widgets.HTML("Rendering...") for _ in range(len(tabs_spec) - 1)] tab = style(children=children) [tab.set_title(i, label) for i, (label, _) in enumerate(tabs_spec)] def on_selected_index(change): if isinstance(change.owner.children[], widgets.HTML): children[] = vis2widget(tabs_spec[][1](node)) change.owner.children = children tab.observe(on_selected_index, names="selected_index") return tab
[docs]class LazyTab(widgets.Tab): """A lazy tab object where multiple visualizations can be used for a single node and are generated on the fly""" def __init__(self, func_dict, data): """ Parameters ---------- func_dict: dict keys are labels for tabs and values are functions data: NWBDataInterface instance of neurodata type to visualize """ tabs_spec = list(func_dict.items()) children = [tabs_spec[0][1](data)] + [widgets.HTML("Rendering...") for _ in range(len(tabs_spec) - 1)] super().__init__(children=children) [self.set_title(i, label) for i, (label, _) in enumerate(tabs_spec)] def on_selected_index(change): if isinstance(change.owner.children[], widgets.HTML): children[] = vis2widget(tabs_spec[][1](data)) change.owner.children = children self.observe(on_selected_index, names="selected_index")
[docs]def lazy_show_over_data(list_, func_, labels=None, style: GroupingWidget = widgets.Tab) -> GroupingWidget: """ Apply same function to list of data in lazy tabs or lazy accordion Parameters ---------- list_ func_ labels: list of str style: widgets.Tab or widgets.Accordion Returns ------- ipywidgets.Tab or ipywidgets.Accordion subtype Tab or Accordion """ children = [vis2widget(func_(list_[0]))] + [widgets.HTML("Rendering...") for _ in range(len(list_) - 1)] out = style(children=children) if labels is not None: [out.set_title(i, str(label)) for i, label in enumerate(labels)] def on_selected_index(change): if is not None and isinstance(change.owner.children[], widgets.HTML): children[] = vis2widget(func_(list_[])) change.owner.children = children out.observe(on_selected_index, names="selected_index") return out
[docs]def nwb2widget(node, neurodata_vis_spec: dict, **pass_kwargs) -> widgets.Widget: for ndtype in type(node).__mro__: if ndtype in neurodata_vis_spec: spec = neurodata_vis_spec[ndtype] if isinstance(spec, dict): return lazy_tabs(spec, node) elif callable(spec): visualization = spec(node, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec, **pass_kwargs) return vis2widget(visualization) out1 = widgets.Output() with out1: print(node) # Is this necessary? return out1
[docs]def vis2widget(vis) -> widgets.Widget: if isinstance(vis, widgets.Widget): out = vis elif isinstance(vis, plt.Figure): out = fig2widget(vis) elif isinstance(vis, plt.Axes): out = fig2widget(vis.get_figure()) else: raise ValueError("unsupported vis type {}".format(type(vis))) out.add_class("custom_theme") return out
[docs]def fig2widget(fig: plt.Figure, **kwargs) -> widgets.Widget: out = widgets.Output() with out: show_inline_matplotlib_plots() return out
[docs]def processing_module(node: ProcessingModule, neurodata_vis_spec: dict) -> widgets.Widget: return nwb2widget(node.data_interfaces, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec)
[docs]def show_text_fields(node, exclude=("comments", "interval"), **kwargs) -> widgets.Widget: info = [] for key in node.fields: if key not in exclude and isinstance(key, (str, float, int)): info.append(widgets.Text(value=repr(getattr(node, key)), description=key, disabled=True)) return widgets.VBox(info)
[docs]def df2accordion( df: pd.DataFrame, by, func, style: GroupingWidget = widgets.Accordion, detect_single=True, ) -> GroupingWidget: """ Visualize pandas.DataFrame with an ipywidgets.Accordion Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame by: str func: visualization function style: ipywidgets.Tab or ipywidgets.Accordion, optional detect_single: bool If True, test if the dimension you are grouping by only has 1 unique value. If so, do not form an Accordion. Returns ------- ipywigets.Accordion or ipywidgets.Tab """ if detect_single and df[by].nunique() == 1: return func(df) else: labels, idfs = zip(*df.groupby(by)) return lazy_show_over_data(idfs, func, labels=labels, style=style)
[docs]def show_dset(dset: h5py.Dataset, **kwargs): return widgets.VBox(children=[show_dict(dict(dset.attrs)), dataset_to_sheet(dset)])
[docs]def dataset_to_sheet(dset: h5py.Dataset): if dset.ndim >= 2: return widgets.HTML(print(dset)) return DataGrid(pd.DataFrame(dset[:]))
[docs]def show_dict(in_dict) -> widgets.Widget: field_lay = widgets.Layout(max_height="40px", max_width="600px", min_height="30px", min_width="130px") info = [] for key, val in in_dict.items(): lbl_key = widgets.Label(key + ":", layout=field_lay) lbl_val = widgets.Label(str(val), layout=field_lay) info.append(widgets.HBox(children=[lbl_key, lbl_val])) vbox = widgets.VBox(info) return vbox
[docs]def df_to_hover_text(df: pd.DataFrame): return [row_to_hover_text(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()]
[docs]def row_to_hover_text(row): text_rows = [] for key, val in list(row.to_dict().items()): if isinstance(val, (int, float)) and abs(val) > 1e5: text_rows.append("{}: {:.2e}".format(key, val)) elif isinstance(val, (int, str)): text_rows.append("{}: {}".format(key, val)) elif isinstance(val, float): text_rows.append("{}: {:.3f}".format(key, val)) return "<br>".join(text_rows)
[docs]class TimeIntervalsSelector(widgets.VBox): InnerWidget = None def __init__(self, input_data, **kwargs): """ Creates a TimeInterval controller that controls InnerWidget. Parameters ---------- input_data: pynwb object Pynwb object (e.g. pynwb.misc.Units) belonging to a nwbfile that will be filtered by the TimeIntervalSelector controller. """ super().__init__() self.input_data = input_data self.kwargs = kwargs self.intervals_tables = input_data.get_ancestor("NWBFile").intervals self.stimulus_type_dd = widgets.Dropdown( options=list(self.intervals_tables.keys()), description="stimulus type" ) self.stimulus_type_dd.observe(self.stimulus_type_dd_callback) trials = list(self.intervals_tables.values())[0] inner_widget = self.InnerWidget(units=self.input_data, trials=trials, **kwargs) self.children = [self.stimulus_type_dd, inner_widget]
[docs] def stimulus_type_dd_callback(self, change): self.children = [self.stimulus_type_dd, widgets.HTML("Rendering...")] trials = self.intervals_tables[self.stimulus_type_dd.value] inner_widget = self.InnerWidget(input_data=self.input_data, trials=trials, **self.kwargs) self.children = [self.stimulus_type_dd, inner_widget]
[docs]def show_multi_container_interface(node: MultiContainerInterface, neurodata_vis_spec=None): if isinstance(node.__clsconf__, dict): cls_conf = [node.__clsconf__] else: cls_conf = node.__clsconf__ return dict2accordion( {x["attr"]: getattr(node, x["attr"]) for x in cls_conf}, neurodata_vis_spec=neurodata_vis_spec, )