Source code for nwbwidgets.utils.dynamictable

import numbers
from typing import Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pynwb.core import DynamicTable

[docs]def extract_data_from_intervals(dynamic_table: DynamicTable): # solution: # data = [x if x == x else 'NaN' for x in dynamic_table[:]] data = [x for x in dynamic_table[:] if x == x] classes = pd.unique(data).tolist() try: data = [float(i) for i in data] classes = [float(i) for i in classes] classes.sort(key=float) except: pass return data, classes
[docs]def infer_categorical_columns(dynamic_table: DynamicTable, region: Iterable = None): """ Parameters ---------- dynamic_table: DynamicTable region: Iterable row indices to select Returns ------- categorical_cols: dict() keys: as columns that are categorical, values as the unique values """ categorical_cols = {} region = ( np.array(region, dtype="uint") if region is not None else np.arange(len(dynamic_table), dtype="uint") ) for name in dynamic_table.colnames: if len(dynamic_table[name].shape) == 1: try: if isinstance( dynamic_table[name].data[0], (str, numbers.Number, bytes) ): column_data = [dynamic_table[name].data[i] for i in region] elif hasattr(dynamic_table[name].data[0], "name"): column_data = [dynamic_table[name].data[i].name for i in region] else: continue unique_vals = np.unique(column_data) if not isinstance(unique_vals[0], str) and all(np.isnan(unique_vals)): continue if 1 < len(unique_vals) <= (len(column_data) / 2): unique_vals = [ x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x for x in unique_vals ] # handle h5py 3.0 categorical_cols[name] = np.array(column_data) except Exception as e: print(e) return categorical_cols
[docs]def infer_columns_to_plot(dynamic_table: DynamicTable): """Infer which columns can be plotted in summary widgets Parameters ---------- dynamic_table : DynamicTable Returns ------- column_names_to_plot: list Columns that can be plotted with the dynamic table summary """ column_names_to_plot = [] df = dynamic_table.to_dataframe() categorical_columns = [] for name in dynamic_table.colnames: # if name not in categorical_cols.keys(): # categorical columns can always be plotted value = df[name].values[0] if isinstance(value, (int, float, np.integer)): column_names_to_plot.append(name) elif isinstance(value, (str, bool, bytes)): column_names_to_plot.append(name) categorical_columns.append(name) return column_names_to_plot, categorical_columns
[docs]def group_and_sort( group_vals=None, group_select=None, order_vals=None, keep_rows=None, limit=None ): """ Logical flow: 0) Apply discard_rows - throw out any listed rows 1) Apply group select - Return only values that are within this group 2) Apply order - If group is provided, items are sorted first by group and then by order 3) Apply limit - Applied per group 4) Apply window - Return only items [int] through [int]. Useful for plotting Parameters ---------- group_vals: array-like of str ['a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] group_select: array-like of str ['a', 'b'] order_vals: array-like of ints [0, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7] limit: int Returns ------- """ if group_vals is not None: if order_vals is None: order = np.argsort(group_vals) else: order = np.lexsort([order_vals, group_vals]) labels, group_inds = np.unique(group_vals[order], return_inverse=True) else: labels, group_inds = None, None if order_vals is None: # cannot give order because we don't know how many units there are raise ValueError("group_vals and order_vals cannot both be None") else: order = np.argsort(order_vals) # apply discard rows if keep_rows is not None: order = order[keep_rows] if group_inds is not None: group_inds = group_inds[keep_rows] # apply discard NaN categories try: if any(np.isnan(labels)): nan_labs = np.isnan(labels) keep = ~np.isin(group_inds, np.where(nan_labs)[0]) group_inds = group_inds[keep] order = order[keep] labels = labels[~np.isnan(labels)] except TypeError: # if labels are strings pass if labels is not None: # remove groups that are missing labels = labels[np.isin(range(len(labels)), group_inds)] _, group_inds = np.unique(group_inds, return_inverse=True) # apply discard groups (but keep labels) if group_select is not None: keep = np.isin(labels[group_inds], group_select) group_inds = group_inds[keep] order = order[keep] labels = np.array([x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x for x in labels]) # apply limit inds = list() if limit is not None: if group_inds is not None: for i in range(len(labels)): inds.extend(np.where(group_inds == i)[0][:limit]) order = order[inds] group_inds = group_inds[inds] else: order = order[:limit] return order, group_inds, labels