Source code for nwbwidgets.utils.widgets

import asyncio

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ipywidgets import Output
from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import clear_output
import plotly.graph_objects as go

[docs]def clean_axes(axes): """ Removes top and right spines from axes Parameters ---------- axes: iterable """ for ax in axes: ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
[docs]def unpack_controls(controls, process_controls=lambda x: x): control_states = {} for k, v in controls.items(): # if the value is a dict, add those individually if isinstance(v.value, dict): control_states.update(v.value) else: control_states[k] = v.value kwargs = process_controls(control_states) return kwargs
[docs]def interactive_output(f, controls, process_controls=lambda x: x, fixed=None): """Connect widget controls to a function. This function does not generate a user interface for the widgets (unlike `interact`). This enables customisation of the widget user interface layout. The user interface layout must be defined and displayed manually. """ if fixed is None: fixed = dict() out = Output() def observer(change): with out: clear_output(wait=True) plot = f(**fixed, **unpack_controls(controls, process_controls)) for k, w in controls.items(): w.observe(observer, "value") observer(None) return out
[docs]def set_plotly_callbacks(f, controls, process_controls=lambda x: x): fig = go.FigureWidget() def observer(change): return f(fig=fig, **unpack_controls(controls, process_controls)) for k, w in controls.items(): w.observe(observer, "value") return observer(None)
[docs]class Timer: def __init__(self, timeout, callback): self._timeout = timeout self._callback = callback self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._job()) async def _job(self): await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout) self._callback()
[docs] def cancel(self): self._task.cancel()
[docs]def debounce(wait): """Decorator that will postpone a function's execution until after `wait` seconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.""" def decorator(fn): timer = None def debounced(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal timer def call_it(): fn(*args, **kwargs) if timer is not None: timer.cancel() timer = Timer(wait, call_it) return debounced return decorator